GMV - Home Lift Fluitronic Dry Control Units

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Product Description

GMV - Home Lift Fluitronic Dry Control Units

The HL dry Compact control unit is characterized by having an external motor and a compact metal tank.
It can be supplied with a compact cabinet located above the control unit, designed to contain the control panel to be inserted by the customer.
The compact cabinet solution (2000 mm high, 350 mm wide and 260 mm deep) is specially designed to be placed on the landing and/or partially recessed into the wall, in a position adjacent to the landing doors for home lift systems.
The cabinet can be disassembled into two pieces: part dedicated to the control unit and part dedicated to the control panel, which is protected from possible accidental contact by users.



with electronic valve or mechanical valve
The HL DRY and the HL 50 DRY are control units specifically designed for Home Lift systems with the new Machinery Directive, which, thanks to the external motor, allow a strong reduction of the fluid in circulation compared to traditional HL tanks, they also guarantee an excellent standard of silence and up to 20% less of the installed power thanks to the absence of friction between oil and engine.
Like the other GMV control units for Home Lift systems, the DRY versions can be equipped with a 3010 valve (with Door Lock Valve as an option) or with an electronic valve.
The use of the DLV VALVE, in combination with the 3010 distributor, or the electronic valve, allow to have a double safety closure to prevent uncontrolled movements of the cabin with the doors open in compliance with the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, which provides that a single fault cannot create dangerous conditions.
The DRY control units in combination with the electronic valve allow a saving in electricity consumption of up to 25%* of electricity consumption compared to those with traditional technology (immersed motor and mechanical valve).
GMV suggests the use of GMV BIODEGRADABLE FLUID to reduce the risks of environmental pollution, for which the owners (or, if present, the condominium administrator) can be held criminally liable.

*Maximum value achievable under optimal conditions and in combination with other GMV products


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